49th Edition Showcases A Thriving Running Culture
April 30, 2024 The 49th edition of Il-Ġirja t’Għawdex, held last Sunday, saw a very healthy gathering of running enthusiasts from across the globe, firmly establishing Gozo as a premier destination for running events. With more than 1,300 participants hailing from 50 countries, the event showcased the island’s scenic beauty and vibrant community spirit. Hosted …
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Teamsport Gozo Half Marathon returned for its 48th edition
1,110+ Athletes – 1,110+ Stories The 2023 Teamsport Gozo Half Marathon, 10K, 5K, 4K, and 2K races and walkathons attracted more than 1,110 participants from around 40 countries, who started their races from the iconic Xaghra Square early on Sunday (30 April 2023). Around 400 runners competed in the 21.1K Half Marathon main event, while …
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A perfect homage to Xaghra and all that is running (and walking)
If one had to delve into one of the greatest civilisations mankind has ever seen, the civilization which served as a cradle to all major Western civilizations, and which sprouted in Greece and matured into Hellenic art, literature, architecture and democracy, one could easily observe the importance which sports had in the foundations of this …
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The Gozo Half Marathon by Fr. Anton Refalo
If you mention this activity in Xaghra, it means that you are delving into a part of history, Since this is an activity that requires so many kilometers of running and that does not afford many ups and downs in its course, it is necessary that we go back to see how it all started. …
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Il-Maratona Għawdxija minn Dun Anton Refalo
Jekk issemmi din l-attivita’ illum fix-Xagħra, ifisser li tkun qed tidħol fi storja, ġaladarba attivita’ li titlob tant kilometri ta’ ġiri u li ma taffordjax tlugħ u nżul fil-korsa tagħha, meħtieġ allura immorru lura biex naraw kif kellha l-bidu din l-attivita’, hawn fix-Xagħra. Il-“Maratona” inħolqot hawn (fix-Xagħra) minn għadd ta’ żgħażagħ li mill-1976 kienu joħolmu …
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