Environmental SustainabilityDriving positive change in sustainability too.

As part of our target, we aim to commit and provide a sustainable race as much as possible. Having obtained a 5 star rating on our 10K race, we are now implementing a sustainability programme so that we become more environmental sustainable year after year with the help of feedback and audits.

  • Water
    • We offer free bottles of water in a small bottle (250ml) instead of the usual 750ml so water is not wasted to all participants.
  • Waste
    • We collect all rubbish used during our event and separate them for recycling after the marathon, including the plastics bottles given out during the race. A special recycling company is hired specifically to collect this recyclable waste.
    • We use paper bags instead of plastic bags when distributing goody bags for athletes. Also, in certain circumstances, we provide a re-usable bag for athletes that can be used after our event with the help of our main sponsor.
    • We are no longer accepting paper form applications as from 2019. Only online application forms are accepted which in turn avoids the wastage of paper.
    • We are asking athletes to use our mobile application and QR code instead of printing the confirmation email to collect their race numbers.
    • We are limiting marketing in the form of paper leaflets to the bare minimum and instead, we are using online platforms and social media only.
    • We donate any extra food (snacks offered during the event) and water left over from the event instead of throwing them away.
    • We donate any discarded clothing which is left after the event. Nothing is wasted.
    • We hire most of the logistics instead of buying equipment for a one day yearly event. This is more sustainable.
  • Transport
    • We offer the use of free transport from the Gozo Harbour and back for the participants to use. We now also offer transport in Malta. This should help athletes avoid using their private transport and use our own collective transport in the form of coaches.
    • We encourage participants who are using their own transport to carpool or use public transport.
  • Energy
    • We installed solar panels at the Xaghra Youth Centre which is the meeting point for all the participants. This enables us to use sustainable and renewable energy during our two day event.
  • Promotion
    • An exposition will also be held during the Saturday event, the day before the main event where we will promote environmental awareness.
    • During the event, all our volunteers are encouraged to be sustainable and environmentally friendly as much as possible.

2025 Race Partners

Ministry for Gozo and Planning
Gasan Mamo Insurance
Bay Radio
San Michel
Victory Garage